Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why I Have Not Posted Lately

My sincere apologies for being away from the blog and not posting here lately - but we experienced a sudden tragic loss last month.  My son would have been 45 years old in a few days took his own life, leaving behind his mother and I, his sisters, his wife and two young children he loved. While we will probably never know fully why, we are assigning the main reason on PTSD. He served over 20 years in the Navy & Army and traveled extensively. He did many dangerous missions in Iraq the first year we had soldiers in Iraq and we knew that he felt bad about things he did as a part of some of those events. While he understood the need be there, to follow orders and shoot or be shot - we think it always was an internal battle being a Christian and trying to live the way he felt he should and being a warrior too.  We will miss him deeply.